
Allow yourself to shine without the desire to be seen.

WHO AM I? This question is in my head for so many years. On some days it feels like I know exactly who I am and on others I feel like knowing nothing at all. But that’s okay because I believe that we are not only one version of ourselves.

We are born and fate decides in which environment we will spend the most important time of our life – our childhood. As children we are helpless, at the mercy of what the more powerful people decide for us. We’ve probably all had some kind of traumatic experience that formed us to the person we are today.

But now I tell you the biggest learning I had while I’m on this journey to finally enjoy life (and I write this consciously from my point of view): “If I become AWARE of my feelings and my behavior and question them, I can actively influence both. If I bann the people from my life, who have done and are doing bad things to me, I gain confidence and strength. If I finally stop constantly considering the opinions of others and start putting my own needs first (at the right moments, of course), I can finally love myself.”

And you know what?
All those realizations and their implementation have changed my life. I truly mean it. A decision never has been easier for me as the one to move to Tenerife and everything inside of me is shouting that this is exactly the right thing to do. What an amazing feeling! I’m full of joy when I think about this adventure and I hope that many more adventures are already waiting for me to come. Once you understand that thinking outside the box is not as scary as you think it is, you’ll gain the powerful tool to live the life that is best for you.

And that’s exactly who I am! I’m a human being who learned to spread the wings, to trust into myself and into my universe. Today I’m this version of myself, maybe I’m another one tomorrow. But that’s exactly what makes my life finally feel worth living. I love to not know what comes next and to not always decide for the safest way, to test my universe and myself again and again. I think this is what we are meant to be.

Now the boring facts:

  • I‘m 25 years old
  • Originally from Germany but soon based in Tenerife
  • My camper van “Wilma” gives me a freedom, I didn’t know before
  • Self-employeed photographer, digital and print media designer, social media marketing manager, free spirit, creative soul and everything I wanna be
  • I‘m passionate in all of my jobs but the most important thing is: my job has to fit into my life and not the other way around 


One day, I’m gonna have everything I wished for. I truly believe it.